Build Core Strength And Improve Overall Spinal Health With
La Dolce pilates For Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is more common than many people think. In the UK, more than 20 million people—roughly one-third of the population—have musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions such as arthritis and low back pain. It is also estimated that 4 out of 5 of us will deal with lower back pain at some point in our life.
Some people experience lower back pain as a minor aching that goes away shortly. Others, though, can experience long-term difficulties as a result. Pilates can be a helpful technique to ease the pain and tension associated with such discomfort.
Pilates exercises help to strengthen the core, improve muscle strength and flexibility, and improve posture. It also has effective in managing pain.
Your body needs to be released from the tensions and strains generating numerous aches and pains.
For this reason, we at La Dolce Studio would like to present a different technique to put your body back in shape.
That solution is pilates for lower back pain.
Book an appointment today to start.
Pilates Therapy Is Backed By Various Research
Back pain is one of the most reported health issues in the western world. In a recent survey, 40% of the 5500 persons questioned in the UK reported back pain over the previous year, with 15% reporting discomfort that persisted throughout the year.
According to one study (Natour et al., 2015), pilates can benefit patients with chronic low back pain. It helps them by relieving pain and improving body function and quality of life. In a different study (Oliveira et al., 2016), it was discovered that individuals with traumatic spondylolisthesis at L4-L5 benefited from the Pilates exercise. It reduced their pain while increasing muscle resistance, strength, flexibility, and postural balance.
For people with lower back discomfort, pilates offers an efficient way to lessen their pain and disability. This is so because Clinical Pilates uses a strategy to develop the whole body while emphasising keeping good control during various movements.

Because of immobility and pain, a person's muscle strength is reduced when they have lower back pain. Pilates strengthens certain muscles while targeting others. You don't need to be worried; everything is done safely and under supervision.
Back pain can have many possible causes. These injuries can range from sprains and strains to fractures and ruptured discs on either end. Less severe and common causes include bad posture, slouching, and carrying large and heavy bags on one shoulder. Etc.
Fortunately, the best treatment is frequently neither surgery nor medication. It is exercise.
Don't be mistaken, though. Not every exercise can help you. However, pilates is one of those exercises that will. Whether you do it at home or go to a professional class, these low-impact exercises will ease your back pain.
These and other research studies prove that pilates can successfully treat injuries.
You Should Know That Pilates Is More Than Just An Exercise
Pilates has a few basic principles that people should know– centering, concentration, control, precision, breathing and flow. All these physically impact the body, but continuous practice also supports mental health.
Pilates helps you to get more in touch with your body. It has a meditative quality, making it a good exercise if you want to get rid of stress and anxiety.
Therefore, regular practice of calm, attentive meditation can strengthen areas of the brain that directly influence how we perceive pain.
A large part of the reason why so many rehabilitation facilities have included pilates in their programmes is the synergistic effects pilates has on the body and the mind. Pilates' "stickability" makes it simple to relieve back discomfort and stop more injuries from happening.

Pilates Exercises You Can Do
We all experience lower back pain at some point in our lives. But in most cases, this pain can be significantly reduced by practising pilates. At La Dolce, we strive to provide our customers with the information and body awareness they need to work in and out of the studio and manage their daily lives.
Here are some exercises that you can do:
Pelvic Curl
One of the first exercises patients are typically given is the pelvic curl. Although it's easy, it demonstrates how to use the abdominal muscles to strengthen and extend the back. This workout primarily targets the gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and abdominals.
One-Legged Lifts
The spine is kept neutral when performing the single-leg lift. It is an excellent exercise for patients who struggle with core awareness or pelvic stability. Lifting one leg in the sagittal plane while keeping the other on the mat challenges the core in a functional manner comparable to walking. The workout strengthens the hip flexors and abdominals.
Chest Lift
Weak abdominal muscles are one of the many causes of low back discomfort. Although this exercise may resemble a sit-up or a crunch, the transversus abdominis (TrA) and pelvic stability are the main focus.
Supine Spinal Twist
Anyone with limited spinal movement should try the supine spinal twist. The oblique muscles are strengthened as a result. The exercise's rotation also aids in stretching your back muscles.

Shoulder Bridge Training
This exercise is effective for both strengthening the glutes and for testing lumbar stabilisation.
Side Bend
The side bend is excellent for building your abdominals, back, and shoulders. However, because only the feet and one arm support the rest of the body, it can be difficult to work out. This exercise targets the gluteus medius, quadratus lumborum, oblique abdominals, and scapular stabilisers.
Stretching the Hamstrings and Hip Flexors
The hamstring and hip flexor are strongly correlated. Since our instructors at La Dolce are highly knowledgeable about tight hip flexors, we know how they might contribute to LBP. These muscles can be stretched to relieve back stress right once, and regular stretching over time will assist the lower back's posture.
In this exercise, the spine is moved by contracting the abdominal muscles, strengthening the core and abdominals, stretching, and releasing tension in the back muscles. This exercise strengthens both your spine and mobility.

Get Started With Your Pilates Journey At Our Studio
It is usually advised to perform Pilates exercises to help prevent and treat back discomfort, including low back pain. They help to build a strong core that supports the back, promotes proper alignment, and offers gentle back stretches.
Pilates, however, is not miraculous in and of itself, which many people fail to mention. For Pilates exercises to be effective, they must be performed properly. Actually, performing pilates incorrectly can have the opposite impact and even worsen lower back problems.
Consult your healthcare provider before beginning any fitness regimen if you are currently experiencing back discomfort.
And if you have been cleared of all trouble and are ready to start working out, La Dolce is the perfect studio.
Book an appointment now!
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What are your modes of payment?La Dolce Studio accepts bank transfers in MasterCard or VISA. We can also accommodate Paypal payments. Just let us know if you need our details.
Where can I contact you?If you wish to speak to us directly before coming by the studio, you can always fill out our form HERE. You can also send email inquiries at or leave us a message at +447851873322.
Can osteopathy treat my recurring migraine?Various factors can cause migraines. Through osteopathy, we can identify the root cause of your migraine and resolve it. Osteopathy relieves muscular spasms and stress in the body by using hands-on therapy. It will facilitate the body's natural healing process to allow improved mobility and enhanced drainage of bodily fluids for your migraine to be gone for good.
How many sessions do I need to get treated?The number of sessions you need to get fully treated varies depending on your body’s condition. It can also vary depending on how cooperative you are in getting the treatment done right. In short, there is no general number of sessions that we can give for everyone since treatment of this kind must be customised to each client.